𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐚𝐫𝐢 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐎𝐰𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐲
The Badung Regency Government (Pemkab) began to clean the former Sari Club land located next to the Bali Bomb Memorial Monument, Legian Highway, Kuta District, Badung on Thursday (16/1). Not without reason, the cleanup was carried out as part of the government’s efforts to secure regional assets that have officially become the property of the Badung Regency Government since January 1, 2025. In addition, the Badung Regency Government also plans to turn the area into the Bali Peace Park Museum.
This land clearing was carried out through synergy between the Public Works and Spatial Planning Service (PUPR), the Pamong Praja Police Unit (Satpol PP), and supported by the Sub-Dis-trict Head, Village Head, and Linmas Kuta. In the process, a number of merchant stalls were also dismantled, including a motorcycle rental tent and a money changer building on the front side of the land.
“As of January 1, 2025, the location has become an asset of the Badung Regency Government. So according to our authority, we are obliged to secure and protect these assets so that they are not used by parties who are not interested or responsible,” said the Head of Police PP Badung I Gusti Agung Ketut Suryanegara.
After the cleaning is done, the land will be fenced and a notice board will be installed stating that this is the asset of the Badung Regency Govern-ment. In addition, information on the use of land that will be built in the future will also be provided.
The Head of Kuta D Ngurah Bhayudewa, said that the land has a total area of 15 ares and will be used as a location for the construction of the Bali Peace Park Museum. “These traders have actually been told to vacate the land as of January 1, 2025. But in fact, until now it has not been emptied,” he said. Bhayudewa added that this action also aims to provide education to the general public about the importance of permits in the use of government-owned land. “When using government-owned land, especially the Badung Regency Government, it must be with the permission of the Badung Re-gent. Because there is no permission for this, then the regulation is done,” he said.

I am a proud Palawa/ Wiradjuri man, an indigenous Australian who is privileged to be a part of the ongoing history between our two nations, Indonesia and Australia. Our north mob, Aboriginal Australians from the northern regions of Australia, and the indigenous peoples from the many islands scattered to the north of the mainland have traded with the seafarers of Indonesia long before lines were drawn on a white man's map, when the only lines drawn were those on the sands of the ocean floor. Our people to this day share cultural beliefs, traditions and bloodlines.
If I were at home in Australia, it is at this point in a speech, where a welcome to country would be made and the traditional landowners, both past and present would be recognised, honoured and thanked for allowing us to walk upon their lands. And so it is that I would like to recognise and thank the Balinese people for allowing us, visitors who hail from many nations, to walk upon their land and to share in the beauty of their island. I would like to thank Former Chief of Police and former Governor Bapak Made Mangku Pastika, the Indonesian Patron for the Peace Park project for his support, Indonesian Government officials, Foreign dignitaries and the village of Kuta representatives.
Let me take a minute also to acknowledge the people of over 21 nations who gather here today with one purpose. Those nations are:
New Zealand
United Kingdom
United States of America
and Taiwan.
What a diverse group we are. We represent different countries, different nationalities, different languages, different religious beliefs, different politics and different belief systems yet we are all here with one purpose.
We are the personification of Bhinneka Tunngal Ika: Unity in Diversity. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika is one of the five tenets of the Indonesian Pancasila that unifies this country's people. Simply put it means that despite our differences we can unite as one. The unifier here today is our shared purpose, and that purpose is the pursuit of PEACE.
Twenty years ago, a horror was visited upon this island and its shock waves reverberated around the world. The Bali Bombings scorched the earth of Kuta, tore loved ones from their families, and destroyed the livelihoods of many. I would like to take a moment to acknowledge the grief and suffering of those who lost friends and cherished family members and to offer you my continued support and condolences. Much has and will be said over the next few days regarding the bombings. Rather than revisiting the event what I would like to do instead is to talk to you about the pursuit of peace and my 19-year journey to find and promote peace and unity.
19 years ago, when I was paying my respects at the bombing site I met a young woman, Lauren and her partner Jill. Lauren's mother had been injured in the bombing, but sadly succumbed to her injuries after being Medi- vac to Perth. Meeting Lauren proved to be fortuitous. Later that night I was approached by an Indonesian who told me that the Sari Club land was for sale. It was at that very moment that the concept of the Bali Peace Park was born. I promised Lauren then that I would exhaust every avenue to bring our dream to fruition and despite many hurdles it is still my intention to do so. over the next six years, during the Bali Bombing recovery period I devoted myself to establishing a Peace Park. I worked closely with Desa Adat Kuta, the Balinese regional government, Indonesian authorities as well as the Australian government, and family members of the victims.
I mentioned hurdles before, sadly, conflicts of interest arose between committee members and the dream of the Peace Park seemed to move further and further away. To date, no one person, despite their best intentions, has been able to succeed in purchasing the land or gaining full financial support and commitment from the Australian Government.
In this twentieth memorial year it is time for conflict and acrimony to be put aside and for the Peace Park to be established.
I call on the governments of over 21 countries who lost citizens to this act of terrorism to work co- operatively together to build the park.
I call on the Australian and Indonesian governments to work together to finance the park.
I call on all Peace Park Committee members, past and present, and their supporters to put their differences aside and to work cooperatively together to build a dream. When we all work together we form a unified bond; when we put aside our differences then this dream can be achieved.
The Peace Park will be a place where people of many nations, ethnicities and religions will be able to sit in a tranquil greenspace and if only for a moment in time find peace and serenity from strife and turmoil.
Peace, harmony and Balance will be restored to the Sari Club site.
In a tumultuous and conflicted world let us acknowledge our diversity and differences and unite to build an oasis of peace and tranquillity in the heart of Kuta. Dreams can come true.
Bhinekka Tunngal Ika

Bali Peace Park - Where The World Will meet
I am a proud Palawa / Wiradjuri man.
However, before moving forward there remain some very concerning issues relating to the now defunct Bali Peace Park Association (W.A) that must be addressed. It has been almost two years since the collapse of the association and twelve months since the twentieth anniversary of the bombings. At no time in the past twelve months have the ex-board members of the now defunct charity been held accountable for their actions of the past thirteen years.
I table below my concerns and call for a full investigation and forensic audit of this charity.
Issue 1. Very serious concerns have been raised by national and international donors to BPPA (WA) regarding a complete lack of accountability and transparency in relation to how their donations were used. Former Prime Minister Julia Gillard in a newspaper article ( available to view in news articles on the Bali Peace Park website, acknowledges that the Association had raised over AUD $1 million dollars. When the Association collapsed and rebranded itself as The Bali Memorial Association there was only AUD $2000 left in the coffers that was transferred to the new association. Keith Pearce, the treasurer of BPPA (WA) now sits as Treasurer on the new Bali Memorial Association. One million dollars remains unaccounted for. Mr Pearce continues to refuse to disclose to donors and the general public where the money has gone. Despite his lack of accountability Mr Pearce continues to lobby for funds for the new Memorial Association. Mr Pearce has stated in emails that he is under no obligation to release financials to the general public.
Issue2. Lack of disclosure. The BPPA Inc (WA) was formed in 2008 with the sole purpose of establishing a Peace Park on the site of the former Sari Club. The general public opened their hearts and their wallets and donated to this cause, believing that all monies donated would go towards the building of the park. BPPA Inc (WA) needs to justify flying board members and family members to the South of France for an international conference.
Issue 3. Dr Anne Aly – Federal Member for Cowan. I call on Anne Aly to fully disclose her extremely close relationship with Rebecca Britten, wife of Phil Britten. At no stage, during 2021 and 2022 when I was lobbying Anne Aly to support my rebooted negotiations to buy the land, did she disclose that she was close friends with Rebecca Britten. I now question whether collusion and nepotism were a part of the Albanese led Federal Government’s decision to withdraw their pledge to financially support the building of the park. Did Anne Aly recommend that the govt no longer support the building of a Peace Park? Was Anne Aly, over a thirteen year period, closely involved in the misuse of funds by the association as she appeared to have been involved with many projects and events that Rebecca Britten also attended. Were nepotism and collusion a part of the misuse of funds over the years? Were nepotism and collusion a part of the final govt decision to remove support of the Peace Park?
The following is an excerpt from Anne Alys autobiography very close relationship with Rebecca Britten.
It was through the Hall of Fame process that I met Rebecca Britten. We met in the bathroom of the Duxton Hotel, where some of the Hall of Fame had been invited to attend a radio breakfast. All good relationships are forged in bathrooms. Women's bathrooms are set up that way. It's much harder for men to strike up a conversation at the urinal - and it's just a bit creepy to talk to the bloke next to you with your dick in.
Issue 4. Collusion, corruption and nepotism. Former chair of BPPA (WA) bribe David Napoli needs to address the allegation that an ‘incentive’ of approx AUD $45,000 was offered to an Indonesian govt official if the deal was successful. I have it in writing that this was the case. I question if any consultation was made with DFAT or the Australian Embassy and Consulate in regard to this bribe.
The following is the letter in question pertaining to the bribe.

Issue 5. Purchase of the land In 2005 an independent land evaluation of AUD $750,000 taking into account what happened there was made by Jones Lang and Laselle of Jkt. The first offer in 2010 and subsequent offers from the BPP Association were all under the Independent valuation.
Issue 6. Australian families no longer want the park. In a letter from DFAT to me and in a phone call with the Australian Consul to Bali Anthea Griffin I was told that the Australian Government does not buy foreign land and that Australian families no longer want the park. And therein lies the problem! The BPPA (WA), its board members, its supporters and Dr Anne Aly were, and no doubt remain WA, Perth and Kingsley Football Club centric. As the 2003 founder of the NSW based Bali Peace Park Association, I can confirm that the original concept for the park was to honor those affected directly by the bombing, not just Australians, but people from 22 nations.
Board members and ex board members of the collapsed Perth based association refuse to address any of the above issues. I call on the Australian government to fully investigate the actions of the board over the past thirteen years. I call upon the board members to account for the missing $1,000,000. Time for accountability. Time for transparency. Time for the truth!
Moving forward any future initiative must deliver a message of peace, honor the dead and injured and their families, be culturally respectful and most importantly be inclusive of all nations.
The following link is to a news article published 9 years ago the former chairman Nick Way clearly states the following -
"Yayasan Australia siapkan USD 1 juta bangun Bali Peace Park"
"Today there was a fundraiser in Australia and one million dollars was raised," said the head of the Bali Peace Park project, Nick Way, in Kuta, Bali, Saturday (12/10). https://www.merdeka.com/peristiwa/yayasan-australia-siapkan-usd-1-juta-bangun-bali-peace-park.html
Keith Pearce claims on the BPP Wikipedia page that the Association ceased interest.
In the land because the owners decision to go with the successful negotiation I was able to bring to the table.
The BPP Association collapsed before the deal.
Pearce also mentions to sell the land above market value.
The following post has now been removed by Pearce.
2019 the Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison committed to funding the purchase of the Sari Club site subject to a commercial deal being struck between the Bali Peace Park Association and the landowners. The land owners declined the very reasonable offer made by the Association in favour of a deal offered by Dallas Finn. As a result of the land owners decision the Association ceased its interest in the land and Mr Finn has been unable to fund the purchase at the price he offered. As a result the landowners lost the opportunity to sell their land at above market value and the world lost the opportunity to gain a centre of peace.
External links
Last edited 1 hour ago by Keithpearce

Bali Peace Park - Where The World Will meet
Now, however, the idea of a peace park has been revived after the association’s founder and former leader, Dallas Finn, struck an agreement with owner Sukamto Tija to sell a third of it, a 567sqm section of the land, for $4.5m.
– Former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard
Mr Dallas Jackson- Finn meeting with the Regency of Badung Government officials in October 2023.
Mr Jackson-Finn provided the Government with Memorandum of Understanding from the Sari club land owner,
plans and costing to build the park this also included letters of support dating back 21 years and photo diary.
Welcome to the Bali Peace Park Project
In the lead up to the first anniversary of the 2002 terrorist attacks the concept for the Bali Peace Park Project was born. Over the years many have worked tirelessly to see the concept for the park be actualised.
The concept for the Peace Park is based on the Balinese philosophy of the Tri Hita Karana, or the three pathways to peace and harmony.The three pillars of the Tri Hita Karana are:
> A person’s relationship to their spirituality
> A person’s relationship with their fellow man
> A person’s relationship with nature
With this unified belief in peace and harmony, held by supporters from over twenty nations, a grassroots campaign headed by the Founder of the project Australian Dallas Jackson-Finn within the Balinese community was developed with the support of Desa-adat Kuta.
The then Governor of Bali and former Chief of Police, Bapak I Made Mangku Pastika added his support to the project and became a patron of the Peace Park.
There have been many challenges in making the dream of the Peace Park a reality. There have been hurdles to be surmounted.

At last an agreement has been made with the land owner that satisfies all parties and we are now able to proceed with completing what was only a dream nineteen years ago.
The Bali Peace Park Project will honour those lost and injured in the bombing by bringing together people of many nations, ethnicities and religions who will be able to sit in a tranquil greenspace and if only for a moment in time find peace and serenity from strife and turmoil.
Peace, harmony and balance will be restored to the Sari Club site.

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